Energetically powerful amulet of Vanga will help you to cope with any challenge. The great light helped more during the lifetime of those who asked you about it.
You never refused – sometimes even to the detriment of themselves. In spite of infirmity and old age, the seer wove miracle that saved the life, directed the needy in the right way.
And even after so many years, his tips and Tricks do not lose their relevance. All of the conspiracies, of which she told, work, and their energy is great. You are recommended to always have faith in yourself, and use magic talismans, and amulets for the support.

The world famous Wang said that the personal Talisman (an amulet) has to be personal – not directly on the eyes of other people. Also, according to her, it is important to have contact with the amulet, constant contact. And then your luck as soon you that your life completely changed, and the eyes light up.
Talisman for good luck and money of Vanga
Visionaries always claimed that nature has a lot of magic – you just need to able to use magic. Here, for example, currant leaves and branches are in the position to solve the difficulties of life and help to survive the crisis.
If you berries the amulet of the locust on happiness and money from Vanga, you can forget about the difficult situations. You can reach everything you want. The main thing, sincere goals.
When spring comes, cut currant a few branches from the Bush. You can not choose thick and strong – let them bring forth good fruit. Fit and thin branches.
Also for the production of mascot green belt will need: make that three Kids. Each of the bands must be greater than the branch.
Now braid to start, and with the branch, then the Band. The resulting pattern in a ring mount. After the appearance of the amulet bracelet will remind you.
With the help of the three nodes attach both ends. And you can rely on time-mascot away from the eyes. The branches must be dry. And then the amulet is completely finished.
You may hang it on the bag, on your keys. Or just Hand carry. It is important that you spent a lot of time with him. And after a year they remove the mascot – he is emaciated and has done all the work. Destroy him in flames. And create a new one.

The Ritual with the salt against the evil eye and spoilage of Vanga
Wang took over much of the magical properties of the salt. And advised use for the solution of many life problems.
For example, you said that the luck to return safely to the family, if window sills sprinkle plenty of salt. Salt to chase away the strange magical Intervention.
After the life has stabilized the situation, betray the magical salt of the earth (Prikopat), finally, it has all the disturbing negative. Better choose a site far away from your accommodation, nothing bad.
Everything goes wrong, and you lost faith in the possible success? Use the advice of the great fortune-teller – you will not notice how your inner strength and the will to victory.
Wang advised the following magic words, a special personal mascot:
In the case of magical rite candles need to burn – Wang belonged to him, very carefully. Thought that the flame and the wax will give special magical combination that attracts positive energy and harmony.
As a mascot, you can the item. For example, a good effect of precious stones.
Ritual of Vanga, the money has grown constantly
Sometimes people achieve great results in business and your profits with each passing day. But here, the amounts received and to stabilise their Position easily, especially for beginners. And this task very seriously.
There is a strong Ritual that constantly, Wang said. You promised, who uses his powerful magic, the stability in business Affairs and the permanent increase in money income. In addition, rite has a protective effect robbed: you will be able to forget about the fear. The villains are also not in the vicinity of to your company.

So, choose notes. No matter what denomination it is – large or not. In all the actions of the ritual, the most important thing is faith. On account of salt, and they do it generously.
This godfather characters. Now place it in a secluded place. Yes, pay attention to its reliability: no man must find their hiding place!
Within thirty days of the amulet to get strength and energy is ready to the further rite. The salt, which must on the Banknote, in the natural environment. It would be better to sprinkle it on the ground or throw into the water.